Covid lockdowns getting you down?
Not, perhaps, if you are a member of that happy band of Lewis chess-pieces, still roaming the western ocean and eastern seas in their longship. Not for them such things as unnecessary masks and social distancing: theirs is the simple life, driven by the Queen's need for a good tan, high fashion and conspicuous wealth, the King's desire for an easy life at all costs, and the Berserkers desire for vast quantities of pizza. Not to mention the Bishop's cunning ploys.
Set largely within raiding distance of Edinburgh's douce seaside resort, Portobello (some call it Seafield), the Vikings adapt easily to 21st century living, with all its petty regulations.
There are now two volumes of these sagas, and - believe me - there are more volumes yet to come!
(All images in these books - and there are many indeed - have been prepared with loving attention to detail by my wife.)
Click here to order yourself a copy of Volume I ...
...and here to spoil yourself with a copy of Volume II