The titles of the printed works and all selected texts are original translations made by Andy Drummond - and may be far from perfect! The German texts used for translation of Müntzer's letters and works are contained in the Leipzig edition Thomas Müntzer: Kritische Gesamtausgabe Volumes 1 and 2 (2010 and 2017), eds. Bräuer, Kobuch, Kohnle, Wolgast.
A full set of translated letters and printed works (except for the liturgies), complete with all Biblical and historical references, can be found in Peter Matheson's edition of 1988.
Translations of the principal writings can also be found in Michael Baylor's "basic writings" edition, and Andrew Drummond's Thomas Müntzer: Selected Writings of 2024.
(For all of the above, check the bibliography for full details).
For a more permanent version of these translations of Müntzer's writings and letters, please consider purchasing my own translation / edition which is now available on Amazon. Click on the cover image (above) to view the details (links to Amazon UK - but also available on your 'local' Amazon site)... and spend your money?