For 500 years, he has provoked detestation and admiration in almost equal amounts. It took historians - lay and Church alike - almost 450 years to even begin to understand the complexity of the man and his teachings. In the past 100 years, he has inspired at least 150 novels, poems, films and other artistic productions. In the past 60 years, over two thousand books, articles and essays. The vast majority of these have been written in German.
Research over the past few decades has made it abundantly clear that Müntzer played a highly significant role in the early years of the German religious reform movement. Not only did his interventions have a major impact on close colleagues of Luther, and even on Luther himself, but his reforms to the church services in the places where he preached were among the very first in Germany. His doctrinal legacy persisted for years afterwards among the radical Anabaptists, albeit mingled with other radical and mystical traditions.So: Thomas Müntzer, a man of rare complexity, learning and potential. He is one of an elite group of men and women who, over the centuries, have spoken out single-mindedly against the oppression of body and soul. Most paid for their beliefs with their lives; some shine in the memory, many are forgotten. That Müntzer failed, between 1523 and 1525, to lead 'his' Reformation to anything other than local success was due more to the social and political situation of his time than it was to any fundamental fault in his thoughts or actions. In the great tapestry of history, Müntzer has his rightful place; to deny him that place is to deny history itself.
This website will attempt to compensate for the widespread omission of Müntzer's name from histories written in the English language. It is intended that some of the basic raw materials will also be available here - his most important works (in translation), images, debates. And - we can only hope! - we will attempt to raise awareness of Thomas Müntzer in English-speaking countries.
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