Scribbling Stories - click here to get stuck in Scribbling Stories - click here to get stuck in


. . . to Andy Drummond's website. Full of things you probably never needed to know. But full of things nonetheless, which counts for something in these days of sharp practice and perpetual disappointment. Some news (conceivably old news) is set out below.

Surprising facts about my BOOKS are available - tap on any of the book-covers above, or the 'Books' link below.
And a great sufficiency of STORIES for all ages can be accessed and read, by knocking on the door of the tower on the left/above...

And should you feel jaded, then look here for ... Cherubs and Turkeys (both winged creatures, after all), Referendums (again and again), Golf-courses (inevitably), Cocks, Bulls and other Animals, Curious Languages and the price of Snuff and Pickled Herring. Oh, and also Vikings.

CONTACT details for the author can be found below...


The Internet, vintage 1934 (22 August 2024)

Yet another short article appears on the History Workshop Online website. This time, it concerns Paul Otlet, a Belgian information scientist (although no one called them that 100 years ago...), and his grand vision for a worldwide web of knowledge, powered by telephone, index cards and a small army of researchers. Those were the days! - and not a tech-bro in sight, and no echo chambers or angry men at keyboards.
To learn more of this surprising foresight, click here.

How to Dissect an Elephant (21 May 2024)

The Elephant of Dundee, with its clothes on, as engraved by Gilbert Orum- click to view full-sizeI am pleased to be invited once more to Dundee, city of large dead mammals, to give a talk entitled - slightly misleadingly - How to Dissect an Elephant. This talk will furnish fortunate members of the public with previously-unknown details of the elephant which died just outside Dundee in April 1706. Sad for the elephant and her keeper. But a stroke of unimaginable luck for local surgeon and amateur anatomist, Patrick Blair.
For more information on this never-to-be-repeated exercise, and to reserve yourself a ringside seat, click here.
You might also find it profitable to seek out and read the latest two issues of the magazine History Scotland - February and late May 2024 - where you will find the entire true and verifiable story of the Dundee (or is that Dutch?) elephant.
Müntzer bio cover

A new book about Müntzer (February 2024)

After some 35 years of preparation, my new book about Thomas Müntzer is now published (by Verso of London and New York) in hardback and e-book format. All continuing to be well for the duration of 2024 - but who can guarantee such a thing? - the paperback version will appear in early 2025, just in time for the 500th anniversary of Müntzer's death.
For more information on the book, click here (or on the book cover). It is, of course, available in a good bookshop near you, and online at the usual suspects.

The Regular Enumeration of Things (January 2024)

... and who could possibly object to such an aim? My brief musings upon the Universal Languages dreamed up by 17th century British (and European) polymaths is now available online, at the History Workshop.
Click here to delight in schemes which at first appear to be wild-eyed, but in truth were the result of cool logic (and, yes - a mighty dose of optimism).

Not so new News? A news archive is available here...

This is selfie


If you need to find out more about the author (that's me), then click on the fetching photo shown here. That will take you to a page containing a full bibliography of books, articles, essays, memorabilia, links to interviews given . . . and contact details.

Click here to investigate...


For a brief introduction to the books shown at the top of this page, then click here. Alternatively, you can simply click or tap on any of the book covers shown above.